Sustainable development goals are a global call aimed at improving the lifestyle and well-being of all mankind, and building a just and sustainable society by improving the economic, social and environmental situation in the whole world in September 2015 at the United Nations summit. Since the experience of different countries in the field of sustainable development is very different, all the goals and related tasks of the 2030 meeting agenda are formulated in a general, universal form and, as a rule, there are no specific quantitative goals. It is determined that each country will localize the BRM, that is, develop national development goals based on its development priority and financial capabilities from the 169 tasks of the 2030 agenda. Countries should adapt these targets to their national circumstances, define quantitative indicators for the relevant statistical indicators for each objective, and define objectives and specific quantitative indicators in national strategic documents.
It adopted the conditions for the implementation of sustainable development goals at the national level and defined national goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development until 2030. Based on the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 83, 16 national sustainable development goals and 125 tasks related to them were approved for the period up to 2030. The decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 841 was adopted, and responsible ministries and agencies were determined for each direction. Also, at the government level, an interdepartmental Coordinating Council was formed under the leadership of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and a corresponding “road map” was adopted for the implementation of national BRMs. The website was launched in order to monitor data on BRM indicators. This platform is a single center for collecting and summarizing information on the current situation in the country in achieving the BRM.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or Global Goals, are a set of 17 interconnected goals that serve as “an overarching blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future.”
The Sustainable Development Goals are:
End all forms of poverty.
End hunger, ensure food security and improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agricultural development.
To promote a healthy lifestyle and promote the well-being of people of all ages.
Ensuring inclusive, equal and quality education for all and expanding access to continuous education for all.
Ensuring gender equality, expanding the rights and opportunities of all women and girls.
Ensuring access to safe water supplies and sanitation for all.
Providing access to cheap, reliable, stable and modern sources of energy for everyone.
To promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth and employment and decent work opportunities for all.
To create a strong infrastructure, to support the introduction of a widely industrialized and innovative system.
Reducing the level of inequality between and within countries.
Ensuring openness, safety, solidity and ecological stability of cities and residential areas.
Ensuring the transition to rational consumption and production models.
Take immediate action to combat climate change and its consequences.
Conservation and rational use of oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
Sustainable use of forests, combating desertification, halting land degradation and restoring soil fertility, and eliminating the threat of biodiversity loss.
To promote the building of peaceful and open societies in the interests of sustainable development, to ensure access to justice for all, and to establish effective, accountable and participatory institutions at all levels.
Activation of global cooperation in the interests of sustainable development.
In recent years, great changes and updates have been made in the life of our university. In particular, 14 academicians, about 300 doctors of science and professors, about 550 candidates of science and doctors of philosophy, associate professors are currently working in our university. In the future five-year prospective strategy of the university, it is necessary to fundamentally reform the educational process, further improve scientific activities, increase the position of the university in international and national rankings, and we aim to strengthen. For this, it is necessary to improve the quality of education, expand scientific and innovative research, develop cooperation with foreign higher education institutions, expand scientific collaboration with foreign scientists, and further increase the work of wide involvement of our youth in science and creative fields. All professors, teachers, young scientists, graduate students and students are invited to be selfless and active for the sustainable development of our country and our university in order to include the university in the top 1000 higher education institutions in the world ranking and increase its scientific potential.